How does the GYMBOX stimulate motor skills
By: Dana Alperon M.Adevelopmental child psychology
The GYMBOX is based on the principles and basics of child
development, which are the development milestones from birth, with the added value of enjoyment and creativity in a multi sensory environment.
GYMBOX enables the baby and the toddler to use a variety of motor skills, which are essential to their proper development: The more the baby tries, the better his skills will develop and s/he will be able to
progress and develop movements which are more and more
complex and synchronized. On top of developing and improving gross motor movements, the GYMBOX advances the achievement of a variety of skills that are important for proper development:
Stimulating visual and spatial perception; Fine motor skills; Hand-eye coordination; Body image and cognition. The GYMBOX also provides an opportunity for social games and develops the sense of capability
and self confidence.

How does the GYMBOX stimulate all these skills?
The different areas of development are linked to one another. Motor
development begins with developing control of the gross muscles:
the neck, shoulders, legs and hands .Then shifts to the control of the
fine muscles, like the muscles of the fingers. There is a connection between intellectual activity, emotional activity and the body
motor skills. Movements, especially among young children are used to express feelings. For instance – a happy or excited child will
often run or jump to express those feelings.
Movement and experimentation with the different senses provide the development of cognition, perception and language skills as well. For example – through jumping and walking, the child develops his gross motor skills as well as learns concepts like: distance and size and develops his sense of continuity by use and illustration of concepts such as: before and after. By looking at things he grasps concepts of big and small, near and far and so on.
The GYMBOX provides the development of the social game, together with a parent or with another child. The first such game is the well known full of fun “peek-a-boo” game. The product’s components provide a variety of ways to play this game again and again in many various, creative ways. In a later stage the toddler can learn his first social rules like: Wait his turn on the line to the slide or the stairs.
The more experience the toddler gains the better are his skills. His sense of capability increases and his confidence in his abilities grows.
To contact dana alperon: dana_alp@walla.com