Exercises for ages 3 – 6 months
Balls pool
Lay the baby inside the balls pool on its back or on its stomach according to the following options:
Ages 0-3 months: no balls in the pool/ few balls in the pool/ with a soft toy/ with a ball at the rim of the pool…

Exercises for ages 6 – 12 months:
At the beginning of this period most babies manage to sit upright properly and independently for the first time (without support). During the period the babies start to crawl and some of them even stand and walk with help, the infant should be encouraged to move and crawl as much as possible.

Exercises for ages 1 – 3 years
During this period, babies continue to develop their movement skills.
Enable them to have a variety of room to move and encourage them to switch between different modes of crawling sitting standing and walking.
recommended to start with exercises offered to the age of 6 – 12 months.

Exercises for ages 3 – 7 years
From the age of three the child can walk and run in full confidence, he has a lot of energy and he develops the physical skills and he is filled with pride for all new achieved capability. recommended to start with exercises offered to the age of 1-3 years